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How to be a Morning Person

Being a morning person has many benifits. Most of the time, you get your work done a lot earlier, you probably won't be late for school or work, and you will also be a lot more productive. I love waking up before everyone else is awake. I get this solitary feeling whenever I am. I wake up around 5 am every day, school or no school, I still wake up at 5. Sometimes I "sleep in" til 5:30 or 6 am. But typically I love being a morning person and i'm going to show you how to be one.

Get some sleep

You can't be a morning person without getting at least 5 hours of sleep. I find it impossible. I fall asleep at around 11 pm and wake up at 5 am. That is only 6 hours of sleep I know, but every body is different and I feel totally refreshed after that slumber.

Set an Alarm

Set up an alarm system that is realistic. If you have school at 8 am, it's best to wake up 3 hours before. It's best to train your brain to wake up 3 hours before you have to wake up. And soon, you won't need an alarm clock like me, your brain will automatically wake up on its own. Try not to hit the snooze button, put your alarm across the room so you are forced to get up.

Eat Breakfast

I look forward to breakfast in the morning. Try to cook your own food, it's not only healthy for you, but you will feel productive if you cook. Also, you will warm up your brain for the day.

Have a Routine

It's best to have a routine in the mornings. Do you walk your dog? Do you go for a run? Or do you just binge watch on Netflix all day. Whatever the activity is, keep it as a routine. You will be a lot more productive if you have a routine. This is the time to do all your chores or work done.

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