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How to Balance Time

Balancing time in college is one of the hardest aspect in your college career. I am currently a sophomore in college and i’m going to tell you my way of balancing time

Prioritize your tasks. Do you really need to binge watch your favorite show on Netflix? Probably not. Make a list of the most important tasks first and check them off as you finish it. Reward yourself with an hour or two of free time, you deserve it! Don’t be afraid to say “NO” to your friends and to your boyfriend. Don’t worry, they’ll still be there if they care about you.

Get a planner. Plan your week ahead of time. I do this every Sunday and I write down my work hours, the days i’m off, the test day, the study days, all of it! Be strict about this! This planner will save your life! It will help you with social life, studying, and work and more!

Routine So basically you have 24 hours in a day. I’ll just tell you my daily schedule… 1 hour for my morning routine ( eat, dress, shower, etc…) 1 hour to get to school. 1 hour lunch break, 3 total hours of studying in school, 7 hours of class, 1 hour to get home, 4 hours of studying/ hw, 30 min night routine and 5 hoursof sleep. I know that isn’t a lot of sleep but it works for me and I don’t feel tired. I study for each of my classes once a week.

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